Signs to Call a Reliable Irrigation Contractor

Spot Any Problems With Your Yard’s Drainage?

Finding trouble spots in your yard and landscaping can distinguish between a quick storm cleanup and a complete washout. It’s costly and upsetting to spend time and effort on a lovely landscape around your house only to have water wash it away. Fortunately, a dependable irrigation contractor is always available to assist; listed below are five indications of drainage problems.

Standing Water

After a good downpour, pay attention to any standing water because it can wash away mulch and sod and leave a landscaped yard or garden with significant holes. Look for areas of soft sod or standing water around garden ponds and underneath downspouts.

Damaged Patio or Driveway

Water that is not adequately drained may seep into the pores of the concrete and eventually cause cracking in surfaces made of concrete or stone. If left unattended, foundation-related cracks and separations on your patio and driveway will worsen over time.

Washout Areas

After a storm, landscaping areas devoid of sturdy vegetation may experience significant washout. Before heavy rains or hurricanes, professional irrigation contractors can assess the stability of plants and sod to ensure minimal damage to your yard.

Exposed Tree Roots

Tree and shrub roots may become exposed as water continues to flow quickly. Roots can harm lawnmowers and threaten animals and young children playing in the yard.

Gutter and Downspout Damage

Gutter and downspout issues are among the leading causes of drainage issues. Broken or cracked gutters can obstruct water flow and lead to problems with standing water. When water is dripping from gutters or accumulating in large amounts at the base of downspouts, your home has a drainage issue that must be fixed immediately.

If you believe drainage issues may be a factor at your home, contact ES & D Colorado Landscaping and work with our reliable irrigation contractor in Lafayette, CO. Dial (720) 351-3289 now!

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