Procedures to Follow When Reseeding Your Lawn

Tips to Follow on Lawn Reseeding

When the fall season approaches, many homeowners would start reseeding their lawn so that it would survive the much colder days ahead. But what many would struggle with is how to reseed their lawn properly. It all actually depends on what kind of materials you use and how you use them. If you are planning to hire lawn care services, they can finish the job successfully. But if you want to try it out on your own, here are a few lawn reseeding tips that you should know about.

Remove fallen debris

Anything that is bigger than a small clump of soil should be removed. Fallen leaves, small rocks, and stones ought to be taken out before preparing the soil for planting.

Loosen up the soil

Once you have removed all the unnecessary materials on top of the soil, loosen it up by raking the soil carefully. This will help the seeds to be planted nicely.

Add a thin layer of compost

Adding compost can help with the growth of the grass seed. However, you should make sure not to add too much as it will hinder the grass growth instead.

Water the soil down

After adding the compost, carefully water it with a watering can or a garden hose. But if you do use a hose, make sure that you don’t use too much pressure because it could potentially wash away the seed.

Spray the lawn regularly

It is not advisable to water every day because the plant could drown from too much water. But you should also keep the soil moist by spraying it with water.

When reseeding a lawn, you need to pay extra attention to the procedures so that your lawn will grow healthier than before. If you are planning on hiring lawn services, there are companies such as ES & D Colorado Landscaping that will provide them. As a lawn service company, they can provide a lawn reseeding service in Lafayette, CO and in surrounding areas.

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