Landscaping Specialist: For Your Perennial Garden, the Best Fall-Blooming Flowers

Top Autumn Flowering Plants for Your Year-Round Garden

To have many fall flowers in your garden, you need to plan early in the gardening season. To help perennials grow well, you should plant them either in the late fall for flowers next year or in early spring to give them enough time to grow strong. Check what areas each plant can grow in. In places where it is hot, some of these plants will bloom in the middle of summer, and for colder areas, make sure they bloom before it gets frosty. If you are unsure, you can seek guidance at a nearby plant store or local government office that helps with gardening and farming. Here are some flowers that experts like a landscaping specialist recommend and bloom in the fall for your garden that come back each year.

Autumn Joy Sedum

Autumn Joy Sedum is almost perfect in every way. It always looks nice, doesn’t need much attention, and doesn’t have many issues. The only downside of sedum, a plant known as stonecrop, is that it is not resistant to deer. Trimming the plant at the beginning of July can make it grow more dense and strong.

Autumn Sneezeweed

Sneezeweed flowers resemble little brownish-red coneflowers. Some plants can grow very tall, so they may require support or their tops may need to be trimmed. The plant enjoys having cool roots and warm leaves. To achieve this, you can use mulch to keep the roots cool and plant it in a sunny spot to keep the top part warm.

Blue Pitcher Sage

Blue sage is a pretty plant that has soft stems and leaves, and it grows in bunches. It has bright blue flowers that are shaped like tubes and have two lips. Flowers grow in the garden from mid-summer to fall, bringing beauty for a long time. Cut the stems in half during late spring to make the plant grow fuller and more compact.


Leadwort is a plant that grows low to the ground and spreads quickly. It has pretty blue flowers and its leaves turn a reddish-brown color in the fall. Put it in places with a lot of rocks and direct sunlight. The plant has roots that grow quickly and can spread easily, but it is not considered to take over or invade other areas.

If you need a landscaping specialist who can help you with your landscape in Lafayette, CO, make sure to call ES & D Colorado Landscaping at (720) 351-3289 today!

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